With the recent frost it proved how hot it gets underground. Check more of the underground garage on my page. #colinfurze #engineering #selfbuild #DIY #secretgarage #renovation #secrettunnel #LearnOnTikTok
This looks epic, seeing the how the tunnel and garage sit round the house and the bunker at the bottom of the garden just waiting to be connected, you know where to find it, see you there. #colinfurze #secretgarage #engineering #selfbuild #secrettunnel #DIY #underground #civilengineering #bunker #renovation #3dscanning
Water management is getting easier but roll on the time when it’s not an issue at all. 2025 this project is getting finished, it’s took longer than expected but I’m pleased with the direction, it’s looking great. #colinfurze #secretgarage #engineering #selfbuild #secrettunnel #DIY #underground #civilengineering #bunker #renovation