I am always asked what secrets I keep in my philosopher desk #asmr #furniture #secrets #owl #hiddencompartment #puzzle #fyp #deathnote #spongebob #hp #dust #wizard
I probably shouldn't make videos after a long day because I tend to ramble #handmade #furnituremaker #nightstand #hiddencompartment #bedroomdecor #woodworking #sneekpeak #prototype
My first book is available for pre-order!!! also these nightstands #BookTok #handmade #furnituremaker #books #SmallBusiness #hiddencompartment #furniture #writer
sneak peek at the apothecary puzzle chest. this one should be finished in the next week or so. #apothecary #puzzle #furniture #hiddencompartment #furnituremaker #handmade #BookTok #mistborn #readyplayerone #goodomens #lotr